

Old Eggs?

Old Eggs?

I had a patient today who insisted on staying on birth control because she was terrified of getting pregnant.  She's fifty three.  I have come to realize that many women believe, fiercely, that they are still fertile way into their 40s and 50s.  They believe that spin...

Keep the uterus, get rid of the fibroids

Keep the uterus, get rid of the fibroids

A myomectomy is another option for the treatment of leiomyomas (lie-o-my-o-mas), generally known as fibroids.  This too can be done via an abdominal incision, laparoscopically or via the vagina.  The location, size, number of fibroids and the desire to preserve future...


Most women are terrified of Human papillomavirus (HPV).  But, once you enter the world of sex, an infection with HPV is almost inevitable.  If you have one lifetime partner, who in turn, has only had sexual relations with you, you might have a shot.  Keep in mind that...

The decision to have a Hysterectomy

The decision to have a Hysterectomy

What are the treatment options for women with fibroids? With the next few posts, I'll review each one. Hysterectomy is still the most common treatment for uterine fibroids.  The uterus can be removed via the abdomen with a "bikini cut", via the vagina or by way of a...

I know people with Fibroids, but what are they?

I know people with Fibroids, but what are they?

As promised, this article is about Uterine Fibroids.  They are also referred to as myomas or fibromyomas.  The medical word for them is Leiomyomas (Lie-o-my-o-ma).  Big Topic.  I'l have to do it in two parts because I really want you to have all the available...