A myomectomy is another option for the treatment of leiomyomas (lie-o-my-o-mas), generally known as fibroids.  This too can be done via an abdominal incision, laparoscopically or via the vagina.  The location, size, number of fibroids and the desire to preserve future fertility are the four major factors that determine which route is used.

In general, this procedure is reserved for patients who want to keep their uterus for future childbearing. Incisions are made in the uterus itself and the fibroids are “shelled out”.  Because the uterus has such a vibrant blood supply and because the technique involves multiple cuts into the uterus, there can be a fair amount of bleeding.  Sometimes, 1/1000, the uterus cannot be saved because it has been completely ‘taken over’ by the fibroids and the patient will need a full hysterectomy.

With respect to having children, women are advised to get pregnant within six months to a year of having the surgery because fibroids do grow back!  Also, If you are planning pregnancy, it’s a good idea to consult with a fertility specialists before electing this procedure.  Scarring can occur around the fallopian tubes or ovaries after a myomectomy; this can damage the tubes and make it difficult to conceive.  Studies have shown, however, that when fibroids are the cause of infertility, this surgery can significantly improve your chances of having a baby.

There you have it!  Now spread the word!