

Do you really need a pap smear?

The answer is "yes" but not necessarily every year and not at every age.  Here is why... Now that we have clearer understanding of how HPV (human papillomavirus) affects the cervix at different points in women's lives, we can now target certain women while reducing...

Those Three Letters…HIV

It is such a frightening topic to read about.  Some mistakenly believe that the danger has been subdued.  One could possibly go an entire week without hearing it mentioned on the news.  Even so, in America, it is the 5th leading cause of death for women between the...

In english, what is preeclampsia?

In english, what is preeclampsia?

Have you ever heard of preeclampsia? I chose this topic because recently I had several patients who were diagnosed with this syndrome and most of them had no idea of what this disease meant for them or for their unborn child. Simply, Preeclampsia is a type of high...

Old Eggs?

Old Eggs?

I had a patient today who insisted on staying on birth control because she was terrified of getting pregnant.  She's fifty three.  I have come to realize that many women believe, fiercely, that they are still fertile way into their 40s and 50s.  They believe that spin...


Most women are terrified of Human papillomavirus (HPV).  But, once you enter the world of sex, an infection with HPV is almost inevitable.  If you have one lifetime partner, who in turn, has only had sexual relations with you, you might have a shot.  Keep in mind that...